Monday, September 30, 2013

How did they do it?

How did the Mayans do it?  The Mayans just completely blows my mind with everything they did, such as creating the ball game, building their cities, and researching the stars.  How were they so smart with the little tools that they had?  How did archeologists first know how to read the Mayan language?  In my personal opinion, I don't see how they first came to realize what everything meant.  Did they just guess at first?  I'm just confused how they came to conclusion on what everything meant.  Overall, I'm just intrigued with everything about the Mayans, such as their lifestyle and why they did what they did. When I get older, I would love to take a trip to a Mayan city just to learn more about them and see their creations up close and personal.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Who am I? Part 2

Who am I? Yet again we learned about more if our classmates and yet again it was very informative.  I believe that this assignment, Cultural Autobiography, was a great way to get to know the people around you.  After giving my presentation, I believe that my classmates around me know me for me and know what kind of person I am, so hopefully my classmates and I can become closer.  What are major problems surrounding the campus of Shenandoah University?  Without a doubt the answer is alcohol and smoking.  Learning this from Ricky, or as I should say Professor Pardo, was really interesting because I never knew that these factors were such a big deal.  My perspective of both alcohol and smoking has greatly changed due to the fact that they can both be such a hazard on your life.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Who Am I?

Who am I?  Throughout this entire week, I got to learn about all of my classmates.  What I came to realize was that our class is very unique!  I enjoy meeting and learning about new people because I am just that kind of guy.  There are kids from all over the United States.  I found that through the cultural autobiography, that I am more interested in learning about other people.  So from now on, around campus, I will introduce myself to people I do not know and hopefully get to know them more.  As I see my classmates around campus everyday, I realize that I am either just like them or that I am far different from them in so many ways.  Hopefully, in the next couple of days, after I do my presentation about myself, everyone will see me as me!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sending Shenandoah to the World

If I was to ever go abroad, where would I go?  This question frequently floated around my head throughout the entire time I was at the Study Abroad Fair.  After leaving the fair, I realized that I would like to spend my time abroad in South Africa.  I would want to go here due to the fact that I am interested in what the culture is like in South Africa and how the people interact with each other there.  To be completely honest, I walked into the fair not wanting to leave the country to study abroad.  However upon leaving the event, I became extremely interested and asked this question to myself: how do I even begin the process of studying abroad?  I asked this question to myself because I feel like I could one of the people who typically would like to study abroad and expand my horizon in order to learn a new language and study outside of the United States.  The Study Abroad Fair really did change my way of thinking about creating a new journey in my life and study abroad.