Monday, September 9, 2013

Sending Shenandoah to the World

If I was to ever go abroad, where would I go?  This question frequently floated around my head throughout the entire time I was at the Study Abroad Fair.  After leaving the fair, I realized that I would like to spend my time abroad in South Africa.  I would want to go here due to the fact that I am interested in what the culture is like in South Africa and how the people interact with each other there.  To be completely honest, I walked into the fair not wanting to leave the country to study abroad.  However upon leaving the event, I became extremely interested and asked this question to myself: how do I even begin the process of studying abroad?  I asked this question to myself because I feel like I could one of the people who typically would like to study abroad and expand my horizon in order to learn a new language and study outside of the United States.  The Study Abroad Fair really did change my way of thinking about creating a new journey in my life and study abroad.

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