Monday, October 28, 2013


Throughout some point in my life, I would like to be part of a contribution that helps part of a community or some part of the world, such as a country.  To me, this contribution could range from something little to something big.  However, in my opinion, I believe that I should do something big for a community or country because that is the type of person I am.  I like to do stuff for people due to the fact that I am a nice guy.  One contribution that I would like to make is to go on a missionary trip to a country filled with poverty.  While I'm on this trip, I would build schools, churches, etc. in order to help this country out.  Also to just put a smile on the people of this country would be an awesome feeling because I like to do that to people and that with a smile on there face I would feel like I have done something good for them. This is a contribution I would like to make due to the fact that my high school would go on these trips and they really interested me, however I could never go on them because I would have baseball.  However, I would really like to go on one now.

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