Monday, October 7, 2013


Time? What is time? Throughout the past week, the idea of time played a key role in our discussions.  But, what really is time?  I believe that time is just a way to organize your everyday activities.  For example, waking up in the morning or going to class.  We all have to do this everyday and it involves time because you wake up at a certain time and your class begins at a certain time.  To the Mayans, time played a very important role in their everyday life, such as night and day as well as the seasons throughout the year.  Numbers, however, was also a very important role to the Mayans.  What just amazes me is the fact that the archeologists found a way to understand the Mayan language and read the the numbers that the Mayans wrote down.  Like how did they come up with the ideas for what the Mayans were trying to say.  This just amazes me how they are so smart to recognize the language.


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