Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Similar to the blog I wrote last week, we had a discussion about the speaker. Why is hip hop music so popular right now when most of it is violent or speaks about being violent and doing illegal acts?  In my opinion it is due to two main reasons.  One reason is because the children of this generation are somewhat rebellious and do what they want, even if it is violent.  The second reason is because many of the children are raised in homes that allow them to listen to hip hop music, so this in turn makes it necessary for them to be violent.  Also we discussed the creation myths.  How are the Popul Vuh and the Christian Bible are similar?  I believe that it due to the fact that they both talk about a creation story.  This includes explaining the creation of the earth, animals, and humans.  When do we register for our classes?  We discussed this briefly, so I should just see my advisor and discuss it with him.  What if I can’t get into a certain class?  Do I just what to take it the following year?

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